CheckTag Ronda Digital

by Rodney Nevile da Silva



Hello, welcome to the presentation of our new application, which will revolutionize the way doormen carry out rounds in condominiums and companies. With our app, the process of making rounds will be much easier and more efficient, thanks to automation via QR code.The application was developed to be intuitive and easy to use, both for doormen and for managers responsible for the security of the place. With our system, the rounds process becomes much more organized and reliable.The process begins with the creation of a tour plan, which is configured in the application by the managers responsible for security. In this plan, the places that must be visited by the doormen are defined, as well as the times in which the rounds must be carried out.During rounds, the doorman uses the app to scan a QR code that is located at each of the checkpoints defined in the round plan. When scanning the code, the application registers the doormans visit to that location, storing the date and time of the visit.In addition, the application allows doormen to send incident reports directly through the application, with detailed information about any problems that have been found during the round.Managers responsible for security can follow the rounds in real time, through a dashboard that shows the location of the doormen, the rounds carried out and the registered occurrences. This allows managers to make quick and efficient decisions in case of any problems that are identified.Our application is extremely safe and reliable, ensuring that the information recorded during rounds is kept confidential and protected against unauthorized access.In summary, our rounds automation application via QR code is the perfect solution for companies and condominiums that want to increase the efficiency and security of the rounds process carried out by doormen. Get in touch with us and find out how we can help improve the security of your assets.- Register your Round Points- View Readings